Forum of Poetics

3941   25/06/2021

On Gathering and Togethering

Richard Berengarten   On Gathering and Togethering   Twelve statements prompted by the 30th International Me...
Poetics of Blues: The Grey Theme of Carl Sandburg’s Smoke and Steel* Cao Xiaoan (School of Foreign Languages, Guangzhou ...
On Terry Eagleton’s Conception of Teaching Poetry as Poetics of Materiality Wang Jin[1] (Faculty of Foreign Studies, Jin...
Twins--Poetry and Its Translated Version* Cao Xiaoan (School of Foreign Languages, Guangzhou Maritime University)  ...
2178   07/03/2017

The Display Stages for Poetry

The Display Stages for Poetry    Long Jingyao  A good poem is just like a beauty. A beautiful lady is not...
A Cognitive Poetic Analysis of A Lane in the Rain         Li Wei Abstract: Cognitive poetics is...
Poepera as a Poetry’s Interpretive Kinetic Art Onstage Zhang Guangkui1 Abstract: As a kinetic interpretation onstage, p...
Poeticized Opera, or Operaticized Poem? A Theoretical Speculation on Poepera Longinus J. Y. Long1 Abstract: Poepera is...
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