
4819   05/07/2021


    Economies   Work clean, keen, straight. Earn your pay. Yet realise   love admits no wage claims,...
4831   05/07/2021

1. In A Monastery Garden

    1. In A Monastery Garden   Against these walls wisteria, honeysuckle, clematis and varied wandering...
4734   05/07/2021

2. Rodney

    2. Rodney   Rod prefered to stay at home, pottering around house and garden. He   could have ...
4668   05/07/2021

3. Izzie

    3. Izzie   Izzie risks overflowing all edges, frontiers, shorelines, including those of her  ...
4564   05/07/2021

4. Tidying up, clearing out

    4. Tidying up, clearing out   Now it’s good to clear the house of everything not   needed, espe...
4714   05/07/2021

5. On Mill Road

    5. On Mill Road   Apples are ripening on their trees. Sam walks up Mill Road to do   his shoppin...
4944   05/07/2021

6. Stacey

6. Stacey   It wasn’t a good idea to go on doing the same thing year in year out, believing   at first she c...
1708   08/04/2017


秋夜有感 魯迅   綺羅幕後送飛光, 柏栗叢邊作道場。 望帝終教芳草變, 迷陽聊飾大田荒。 何來酪果供千佛, 難得蓮花似六郎。 中夜雞鳴風雨集, 起然煙捲覺新涼。      ...
1685   08/04/2017


悼丁君 魯迅   如磐夜氣壓重樓, 剪柳春風導九秋。 瑤瑟凝塵清怨絕, 可憐無女耀高丘。             ...
1704   08/04/2017


自嘲 魯迅   運交華蓋欲何求, 未敢翻身已碰頭。 破帽遮顏過鬧市, 漏船載酒泛中流。 橫眉冷對千夫指, 俯首甘為孺子牛。 躲進小樓成一統, 管他冬夏與春秋。      &...
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