I Fondle My Bundle — Zhang Guangkui

23/02/2017 03:56
Zhang Guangkui

I Fondle My Bundle


Midnight stirs my sleepless mind.

I touch my used face with bumps and hollows.

It seems I've ever been old but never been young.

I stroke my hair there and here, short and long.

Some that should have been gray

have been gray and gray without nay.

I fondle my Dick brand popgun,

my belly and my buttocks carefully.

That should be young is still strong.

I feel my heart which is not less powerful.

But to meet the need of the around,

my heart and complexion must pretend

to have been old as they should

till they are really irreversibly old,

then I recover my youth with hair gray bold.


I google and fondle my bundle and giggle.

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